Sacramento plastic surgery improves the quality of life for thousands of people every year. Whether you’re considering a breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty or another procedure, here are some common questions you shouldn’t be afraid to ask your plastic surgeon:
Who Will Be Performing the Operation?
It’s important to develop a good working relationship with the surgeon who will be performing your Sacramento plastic surgery. This will allow you to talk openly about your goals and apprehensions. At Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center, you can expect to take part in a detailed consultation with your surgeon who will listen intently and advise you on the best course of action. This helps get the best possible results.
What Qualification Does the Surgeon Have?
When opting for Sacramento plastic surgery, it’s important to only visit a plastic surgeon who is a fully-accredited member of a professional body like BAPRAS. At Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center, all surgeons are fully qualified and offer nothing but consummate professionalism and the best quality treatments, every single time.
How Long Will the Results Last?
During your consultation, your Sacramento plastic surgery professional will be able to advise you on how long you can expect the results of your treatment to last, and whether you’ll be suitable to undergo the same treatment in the future. You should expect to receive a full, realistic explanation of the timescale of effectiveness of the procedure.
How Much Will My Sacramento Plastic Surgery Cost?
A reputable, high-quality plastic surgery center will be able to be honest and upfront about how much your procedure will cost, and whether there will be any ongoing costs for further treatments. At Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center, our aim is to be open and transparent about the cost of our services, providing you with peace of mind and a realistic prospect of how much you’ll be expected to pay.
What Aftercare Can I Expect?
Aftercare and advice after plastic surgery is often as important as the surgery itself. It’s therefore vital to understand who you need to contact for help, hints and tips after treatment, and how long the aftercare period lasts. You should always expect to receive a detailed account of the aftercare on offer following surgery.
If you’re considering plastic surgery and would like to know more, why not get in touch with Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center in Sacramento today? Our team of experts are ready and waiting to arrange a no-obligation consultation.
Why Combine Dermal Fillers? Unlocking the Benefits of Multi-Filler Treatments
As we age, our skin gradually loses two essential proteins: collagen and elastin. These proteins, which comprise approximately 90% of