Seek Out a Top Plastic Surgeon for Your Procedures

When you’re considering plastic surgery in Sacramento, make sure that you choose the right plastic surgeon to suit your needs. After all, plastic surgery is a life-changing event that alters the shape of your body permanently. 

Therefore, it’s crucial that you select a top plastic surgeon with the qualifications and experience necessary to perform the procedure or procedures you want to undergo.

Determining the Right Plastic Surgeon for You

There are various factors to consider when selecting a plastic surgeon for your procedure. Keep the following in mind when you search for plastic surgery in Sacramento.

Identify Their Expertise in the Procedure You Want

Not all plastic surgeons are the same. Some focus on specific areas of the body, like facial reconstruction or breast augmentation. Others dedicate their practice to tummy tucks and liposuction. Make sure that the plastic surgeon you choose has the experience and skills necessary for your procedure.

A plastic surgeon’s website is often an excellent place to start your search. Simply reviewing their services can give you an idea if they offer the type of surgery you want. 

Our practice focuses on facial surgeries such as face lifts, neck lifts, and blepharoplasty. We’re also known for our rhinoplasty procedures. Outside of plastic surgery, we also offer non-surgical aesthetic procedures like dermal fillers and IPL. 

Review Your Plastic Surgeon’s Credentials

When you select your plastic surgeon, make sure that they’re board certified. Board-certified surgeons must have extensive education and training to receive their qualifications. 

To begin with, they must earn a bachelor’s degree before attending four years of medical school. After medical school, they fulfill their residency requirements before getting their medical license. Plastic surgeons can obtain specialized certifications in their preferred area of treatment. 

At our medical center, Dr. Kaniff is certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is the founder of the Sacramento Cosmetic Surgery Speaker’s Bureau and frequently speaks on cosmetic surgery topics statewide.

Make Sure You Feel Comfortable with Your Surgeon

Before turning your body over to a plastic surgeon, make sure you feel comfortable with them. During your consultation, ask as many questions as you need to about your desired procedure and their experience performing it. Listen to any advice they have and consider the options available to you. 

At our center for plastic surgery in Sacramento, we strive to make sure that all of our patients have a pleasant experience with us. We want our patients to trust our staff and plastic surgeons, and we do everything in our power to make sure our clients understand their procedure and what to expect from it.

Check Out Your Plastic Surgeon’s Reviews

Google, Real Self, Yelp, and other platforms offer many opportunities to read about other people’s experiences with your plastic surgeon. Sometimes, top plastic surgeons list reviews directly on their websites. 

At Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center, you’ll find easily accessible reviews from previous clients. You can access our Google, Real Self, and Yelp reviews on our website or through the platforms themselves. 

Determine What Their Payment Options Are

Plastic surgery usually isn’t covered by health insurance unless it’s to restore function to a part of the body. For example, health insurance may cover breast augmentation after a breast cancer mastectomy. Sometimes, rhinoplasties are covered if they treat specific issues such as sleep apnea. 

If your insurance plan doesn’t cover your treatment, you’ll need to pay for it upfront or through financing. 

Our medical center accepts some health insurance plans if the surgery is for a medical purpose. Otherwise, clients may choose to finance their surgery through Care Credit or Alphaeon Credit or pay via Visa or Mastercard.

What Should I Ask During a Consultation for Plastic Surgery?

The consultation is your opportunity to learn as much as possible about the doctor, their credentials, and your procedure. Before the appointment, spend as much time as possible learning how the procedure works and what to expect.

Make a list of questions to ask before the appointment to make the most of your time together. Questions to keep in mind include:

  • How does the procedure work?
  • What can I do to prepare for the treatment?
  • How long will my recovery be?
  • Can I see pictures of results on other patients?
  • What type of anesthesia will I need for the procedure?
  • Am I a suitable candidate for the procedure?
  • How much will it cost to have the treatment?
  • Are there any concerns I should be aware of?

Of course, you may have many other questions. Writing them all down ensures that you get the answers you need to decide on your plastic surgeon and whether the procedure is right for you.

Are All Plastic Surgeons the Same?

Plastic surgery is a broad field, and surgeons may choose to focus their practice on certain areas of the body. In addition, some plastic surgeons choose to focus on cosmetic surgery, while others prefer reconstruction-related surgeries. 

You should choose your plastic surgeon based on their experience, credentials, knowledge, and the focus of their practice.

Are You Looking for Plastic Surgery in Northern California?

At Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center, we offer facial plastic surgery and rhinoplasty procedures to our patients. 

While our office is in Sacramento, CA, we also serve the broader Northern California area, including Tahoe, Modesto, the Bay Area, the Oregon border, Truckee, San Jose, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Mateo, Pacifica, and Bodega. 

To schedule a consultation, contact us today.


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