The nose is one of the most common sources of dissatisfaction when it comes to a person’s aesthetics. Noses can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and that variety can sometimes lead to distress in a person. If you’re unsatisfied with your nose but wonder how much is rhinoplasty, call and make an appointment at Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center in Sacramento, CA. We can be reached at 916-571-0597.
Why Should You Consider Rhinoplasty?
The nose is a relatively small part of the body, but being dissatisfied with the shape can cause a lot of unnecessary pain and aggravation. Not to mention the fact that some folks look to rhinoplasty not for its aesthetic qualities but to breathe better. The following are a few reasons you should consider rhinoplasty.
To Change the Way You Look and Feel
Many of those who consider rhinoplasty do so because they want to change the shape and appearance of their nose. This is known as a cosmetic rhinoplasty procedure. Depending on the anatomical makeup of your nose, as well as your aesthetic goals, cosmetic rhinoplasty may only involve very minor changes in structure that translate into visibly noticeable improvements.
For others, though, the procedure will require altering multiple components of the nose’s internal structure to achieve the necessary results. Cosmetic rhinoplasty is usually done when you want to change the overall shape of your nose, whether it’s widening, larger, narrower, or smaller, with the ultimate goal being to improve the overall proportion and balance of your face.
To Improve Breathing
Genetics, injuries, or medical conditions can sometimes impede the flow of air into the nose and make breathing through it more difficult. When breathing is impeded, rhinoplasty can include work on the nasal passages that the air takes as well as changes in shape or structure of the nose are done so air can flow normally and freely.
Often, this type of procedure involves altering the septum-the long, large piece of cartilage that runs along the center of the nose. It’s usually considered a medically necessary surgery when changing the position or size of the septum is done to make a significant improvement in function. Sometimes, soft tissue work inside the nostril can improve airflow by widening the space between the septum and the sidewalls and soft tissue of the nose.
You Want to Complement Your Ethnicity
Ethnic rhinoplasty is an interesting approach that changes the appearance of the nose, but does so in a way that remains true to the patient’s ethnicity. It enhances your nose and balances your features without sacrificing the nasal features that characterize your ethnicity. The point of the procedure is to give you an aesthetically pleasing nose that remains in harmony with the rest of your unique facial features.
How Much Is Rhinoplasty?
One of the first questions people ask when inquiring about the procedure is how much is rhinoplasty? The cost tends to vary from patient-to-patient based on several factors, including facility fees, anesthesia, medical tests, prescriptions, surgical garments, and other miscellaneous costs related to surgery.
To truly answer the question of how much is rhinoplasty, you will need to talk with your surgeon and go over everything you want to achieve with the procedure. Those who are interested in only minor alterations may pay less than those who require a much more intensive procedure that makes more significant alterations.
Does Insurance Cover It?
Most of the time, rhinoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure and therefore insurance doesn’t cover it. However, in some cases, health insurance can pay for some (if not all) of the procedure. These situations typically involve patients who have significant difficulty breathing due to the shape of their nose. If surgery is the only way to correct the issue, insurance can sometimes help cover the cost.
One of the determining factors involves questioning how much is rhinoplasty going to improve your breathing? If insurance is going to be involved, the procedure will need to be medical in nature and not cosmetic. Talk with your surgeon if your reason behind wanting rhinoplasty is because you have trouble breathing through your nose.
Choosing Your Surgeon
The biggest determining factor in whether you choose to have the procedure done or not shouldn’t be “how much is rhinoplasty?” but “how qualified is my surgeon?” Dr. Kaniff was fellowship trained and has over twenty years of rhinoplasty experience. He’s performed successful surgeries on hundreds of patients from all over California and helped them achieve the aesthetic results they’ve wanted for years.
Rhinoplasty is performed in the comfort and safety of Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center, a medical center accredited by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Healthcare (AAAHC).
How Is Rhinoplasty Performed?
After the area is numbed, your surgeon will make the incisions necessary to access the bones and cartilage that support your nose. There are two commonly used techniques for making the incisions: open and endonasal.
The size of your nose can be reduced or increased by adding or removing bone and cartilage and adjusting the supporting structures inside. Tip grafts made of cartilage can be used to remodel the tip of your nose, changing its shape, slope, and size. The skin and other soft tissues in and around your nose will remodel to assume the shape of the underlying structure.
In some patients, tissue fillers or fat grafts can be added to increase the volume of the nose in certain desired areas.
What Your Options Include
As mentioned, there are two main incisions used in rhinoplasty: the open approach and the endonasal approach. Additionally, there are a variety of methods for augmenting your nose or smoothing over surface deformities.
Autologous Cartilage Grafts
Autologous cartilage grafts are usually taken from the septum in your nose and offers the best chance at a natural result. In cases where cartilage or bone has already been removed from the septum, ear or rib cartilage may be used instead.
Solid silicone implants are available for use in rhinoplasty. However, these are foreign, man-made materials. The most preferred option among rhinoplasty patients is usually for the natural, autologous cartilage transfer. But, for those who are unable to go that route, silicone implants can work well too.
Fillers or fat grafts can be injected to smooth the nose, help camouflage deformities, or add volume in specific areas.
With a variety of techniques comes variation in cost. That’s why it’s important to speak with your surgeon before you ask “how much is rhinoplasty?”
What the Incisions and Scars are Like
Your incisions and resulting scars will depend largely on which technique is used during your procedure.
Open Rhinoplasty
In an open rhinoplasty, the incisions are made outside of the nose with the addition of a small access incision on the underside of the nose between the nostrils that connects with other incisions hidden inside your nose.
Those who prefer the technique usually do so because an open rhinoplasty fully opens the nose and provides better visualization of the nasal structures and makes it easier for your surgeon to manipulate them. Once it heals, the small scar at the base of your nose will be barely visible at all.
Endonasal Rhinoplasty
With an endonasal rhinoplasty the incisions are made inside the nose and therefore remain hidden and invisible after surgery.
Those who prefer this technique say that it permits more limited dissection of nasal tissues while still offering excellent visualization of nasal structures. Also, it eliminates the scar at the base of the nose-an important fact for some patients.
How Should You Get Started?
The first thing to do once you’ve decided rhinoplasty is right for you is to call and set an appointment for a primary consultation with your surgeon.
At Your Primary Consultation
It is at this appointment that you will have the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic goals with your surgeon. You will be evaluated as a candidate for rhinoplasty surgery and your surgeon will explain what the procedure can do for you. Once he understands your goals and medical condition, Dr. Kaniff can suggest alternative or additional treatments that may be considered.
You will need to discuss your complete medical history with your surgeon at your primary consultation. Make sure you have all the relevant information regarding previous surgeries, past and present medical conditions, and any allergies and current medications you’re taking.
How to Prepare for the Procedure
Once you’ve spoken with your surgeon about your goals, he will provide thorough preoperative instructions, answer any questions you may have regarding the procedure, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.
Health Considerations
There are certain things your surgeon may ask you to do before the day of your surgery to help promote healing.
If you smoke or use other tobacco products, you will need to stop at least six weeks prior to undergoing surgery. You will also need to avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and any herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding. This is why it’s essential that your surgeon has a complete list of everything you take (even if it’s only once in a while, like aspirin or ibuprofen).
Rhinoplasty is typically performed on an outpatient basis, so you should arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure and to stay with you for at least the first night following surgery. If your rhinoplasty involves work on your septum or is a revision of previous rhinoplasty surgery, your stay post-procedure may be extended.
Aftercare and Recovery
Your surgeon will tell you how long you need to refrain from your normal level of activity and work. You and your caregiver will receive detailed post-operative instructions after your procedure.
Immediately After Surgery
You may be asked to wear a nasal splint over your nose to provide support. The splint will also serve as a protector while you sleep, shielding it from accidental bumps. Nasal packing will be placed inside your nose for additional support. Adjusting to the nasal packing may be difficult at first, as it can be uncomfortable to have things put in your nose. However, it’s an important part of recovery and should be left alone.
You might need to keep your head elevated and relatively still for the first few days after surgery. You may also be prescribed pain medication to increase your comfort during the initial recovery period, and your physical activity level will need to be significantly limited for a few days to a few weeks.
Answering the question of “how much is rhinoplasty?” isn’t easy because everyone’s nose and needs are different. Some patients’ aesthetic desires may only require minimal surgery and, as such, result in a lower cost than someone who requires more extensive work. Either way, the quality of your surgeon and the results you desire are much more important factors to consider.
If you think rhinoplasty may be right for you, call Kaniff Cosmetic Medical Center in Sacramento, CA today at 916-571-0597. Your cosmetic goals are in reach, don’t delay.