What accreditation Means to the Patient
Any surgical procedure has its inherent risks that the patient must accept as a possibility and weigh this against the anticipated gains of the surgery. In the case of elective cosmetic surgery the benefits must far outweigh the risks. Providing a safe operating environment is one key element to minimizing the risks of any surgery.
Over the past year our Center has undergone an intensive review of all aspects of the care delivered. The review culminated in a two day survey by members of the California Medical Association and the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (CMA-AAAHC). As a result of this survey we were awarded a three year accreditation certificate- the highest level of accreditation!
In order to achieve accreditation by the CMA-AAAHC our center underwent an extensive on-site survey of it’s facilities and services. The survey team, composed of physicians and health care administrators, evaluated all aspects of patient care. Those areas or review included policies and procedures, quality management and improvement program, risk management program, operating room and anesthesia policies.
In the letter of notification the AAAHC President said, The dedication and effort necessary to achieve accreditation is substantial. The Kaniff Facial Surgery Center is to be commended for this accomplishment.” The award means that we have met nationally recognized standards for quality health care.
AAAHC conducts its accreditation program on a national basis and has accredited more than 4440 ambulatory health care organizations. Currently, we are the only facial cosmetic surgery practice in Sacramento to have achieved such accreditation .
Governor Wilson and the California legislature recently passed a bill that would require accreditation of all ambulatory surgery settings, including office based surgery practices. The logic is simple- patients having surgery should be assured of a safe operating environment whether their surgery is done at the hospital or in the office.
The CMA-AAAHC was instrumental in supporting and passing the bill which is seen as a consumer protection measure. Those accrediting bodies that set the industry standard are the CMA-AAAHC, Medicare and state licensing board.
Many patients prefer the privacy and comfort of the office operating setting as well as the cost savings. Accreditation by the AAAHC ensures that there is no sacrifice in quality of care in exchange for these benefits.
Knowing about the surgical procedures that you are contemplating is important. It is also important to know about the physical environment in which your surgery will be performed. Has it withstood the scrutiny of a national independent multi-specialty accrediting organization. Should you have any question regarding accreditation and what it means to you, ask your surgeon and/or contact the CMA at (415) 541-0900.